Sunday, May 19, 2013

Another SpaceX dream - and my crush!

Dream Sunday May 19 2013:

I was lying in bed in the upstairs bedroom.  I was listening to a voicemail my youngest sister had left on my cell phone, when I looked out the window to see a white capsule flying at a low altitude  - reminds me of a Tylenol (R) caplet- with short triangular wings* and "SpaceX" written in blue letters along the front half of the capsule. The ship flies into a building to the west of my house. The building is a multistory structure with an industrial-style exterior covering (like storage buildings) and at least 50m distant. The ship flies through the exterior several stories above ground, leaving a rectangular hole ripped in the side of the building. There is no sound and no smoke. I get out of bed and reach for my jeans. I am wondering whether to call emergency or if this has already been done. When I look out the window again, the building has been moved closer to my house (approximately 4m away now!). My mother comes upstairs as I am taking pictures of the destruction with my iPhone. Interestingly, there is no smoke, and no one seems particularly alarmed. More of the siding is ripped away, and I can see people sitting at a table.. I think they are playing cards?

My father calls everyone to dinner. I go downstairs to the dining room where I meet my youngest sister's husband. We briefly discuss the lack of sirens and such, and conclude that the government wants to keep the incident as quiet as possible.  As I walk to my place at the table, my long-time crush (remember him?) was seated beside my place! The place to his left is where "Granny" sits (my great-grandmother?), and my place, to his right, is at the end of this side of the long table.
"Oh!" I said gleefully, "Are you sitting beside me today?" (I remember twice recently he did not... dreamtime, not realtime).
"If that is all right with you?"
"Of course!"
I was standing behind him, and kissed his hair and tousled it with my fingers. His hair is lighter brown and mingled with gray now, but he is still a cutie! When I was seated, he continued, "I want to tell you something about what happens when a human soul is born for the second time. I used to read all your posts, and... " ....something about the risk of demons on second incarnation.. I wasn't listening, I was stuck on "I read your posts.." and wondering when and why he stopped reading.

*A short fat capsule with short triangular wings may be flying using the physics of a bumble bee?
I wish I could draw these ships I dream about... I will give it my best .. this is the second +SpaceX ship I have seen in a dream. The first was much larger and had advanced technology.

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