Saturday, September 21, 2013

Psst! You need gum!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I stayed up past 1am last night, and went to bed without brushing my teeth. Some odd things popped up in my dreams...

I dreamt that a high school classmate (Dave C.) needed a study partner for geology. I am a teaching assistant (?) for the class, so I am not available as a partner. The instructor suggests pairing him with the student he sat with last semester, as they seemed to get along well. The student (Cameron B.) is someone I know [from a "past" life]. I do not wish to be reintroduced to him, but I pass along the name and last known whereabouts to the professor. I am working on a project (pass code: OREO - I devised with a scrabble tile?) that involves soft green psuedo-styrofoam blocks on which I have written labels with dark green ink. I am in my mother's living room arranging the blocks in a shallow box. I muse that I will have to make a new account for the new password - truly? wouldn't it be more sensible to change the password on an existing account? Why make a new one?

I am in a small custom jewelry store. The owner (woman) helps me design a piece (for me? for a gift?). I will owe her around $40. I can pay now or when I come back. I don't have my wallet with me. I know exactly where it is - I had put all my keys, etc., in my pockets yesterday as I was avoiding carrying a purse when I went out. I'll need to come back. Walking to a wall display, she says to me, "My friend chews "Dentine" (she pronounces it "dentin"). Embarrassed, I reply, "Oh! I ran out of the house this morning without taking a shower or anything! I'm so sorry!" - I didn't realize my morning breath was so toxic! Plus, I was trying not to be too close when talking with her, because I knew my breath wasn't fresh. I tell her I'll need to come back, and I leave.. with my father and his friend, Bernie.
...Dad and Bernie are each bringing a large pelt rug. Bernie is carrying a large brown soft leather skin with fur around the edge. Dad is carrying a large white shaggy rug (llama?), and it drags on the grass. A large wolf-husky type dog lays on the rug. Dad tells me, "Bernie says these are antiques, but he figures the dogs might like to lay on them." We laugh because the big dog has already claimed one! We need to walk, and I gently tug the rug from the big dog. The dog growls and gently snaps at my left hand, but I don't let go. It snaps at my hand again, still not breaking the skin. Bernie scolds the dog, and it backs away. I pick up the smaller dog (a Dachshund mix?); Dad and Bernie carry the rugs. The big dog follows me as we walk up the shaded grassy bank. The dog stops to pee in a sandy spot. The little dog jumps from my arms to join suit. Dad calls for us to catch up. The little dog runs up the hill. In the center of the bank, there is a small culvert maybe 18 inches square with sand and gravel in the bottom. There are large ants. "Watch out for these ants," I say to the dog behind me. "Um, ok, thanks," says a stranger (guy) who is also behind me. Poor guy! I was talking to the dog! I look for the little dog and see he has already crossed the road. I quicken my steps.
(There's a red brick building on the other side of the road, with a manicured lawn and trees along the street... like an older university?)

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