Thursday, December 26, 2013

Why do I still not have shoes?

In many of my dreams recently, I am not wearing shoes. Most times, I am wearing socks, but not shoes. Only in a couple am I actually barefoot. So what is going on here?

I do know a few things I believe about shoes:
1.) Mom always told us to put on shoes when we were going anywhere - to the store, to the neighbor's to play, to the park, for a walk up the street... this task was required (as was "put on a coat" from October 1 to May 15.. no matter the weather!)

2.) During an interview, Oprah Winfrey was recounting a conversation she had with Bill Cosby. In reference to knowing when you have "succeeded (in life)" and when it's time to start giving back (to the larger community), Cosby said to her, "Do you have enough shoes?" ... Think about that...

So, from these two ideas, I gather: 1) I can't go anywhere if I didn't put on my shoes... rejumbled: I don't have on shoes, so I can't go anywhere. 2) I need more shoes. ... but I have recently acquired a new pair of running shoes (thank you, sister!) and a new pair of black dressy boots (again, thank you, sister!). These two pair replaced the very worn out shoes I wore most often. I am in better shape (shoewise), then, right?

Let's revisit the first idea of not going anywhere.. what happened in the dream when I didn't have shoes? In one dream, I was barefoot (so, not even wearing socks!) and I was confused that my shoes were absent. I decided to stay in the car and wait for my friends. A stranger tried to open the car, and I quickly locked the doors, and rolled up the windows to prevent her entry. (Good thing I was there? because THEN my friends came back to the car and the stranger twisted Tom Cruise's nose until she broke it! (attempting to ruin his image?) .. how might this situation have been different if I had walked with them even without my shoes?)

Last night, I dreamt I am walking a dog (an old beagle hound like one I recently met). A friend, also with a dog, and I are walking to a (dinner) at a church. I am wearing socks, but not shoes. We are approaching the rear of the building. The beagle wants to enter through the basement, but I know that there is a mud floor there (and some standing water), and I direct the dog away from the door. The next entrance we see is on the first level, but I see spiderwebs in front of the doors, indicating these doors are not used. There are two sets of doors. Upon climbing the steps to the porch, we can see that there are webs in front of both sets of doors, but the setting sun reflects off water droplets in one of the webs so that they look like gold and silver coins (not coins, just flat disks, but that's what it made me think of). I try to get a picture of the web with my cell phone, but I am clumsy with the leash in my hand, and the coin effect is fading with the sun. We enter the church with about 15 minutes left in the event schedule, but we don't find the room where the dinner is. It seems to be just in the next hallway, but I can't find the connector to go there. I meet people in the hallway and in other rooms, and some of them have plates with food. I ate a little something before I came, so I am not particularly hungry, but I am disappointed that I can't seem to navigate this building with which I am not completely unfamiliar! (friend not beside me?) ... In this dream, the lack of shoes only prevented me from entering the church through the muddy basement (but, I did consider it for a very brief moment).

So, what is all this "I don't have on shoes" business going on in my dreams? 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Time traveler?

Monday, November 11, 2013:
I must start this entry by telling you that I have NOT watched the current movie about a time traveler... in fact, my dream hardly seemed to have that component except for the realization that I was at an event that happened two days before that I was certain I had not attended. The thought occurred to me: so, I could stress less about being forced to choose between events, (nephew's ball game and dinner with friends) because I have the power to go back and attend the missed event. Cool! Also, by posting this at the end of the day, instead of first thing, I've forgotten much...

I am on a crowded bus. I ask another woman on the bus if the next stop is for UNC-G (University of North Carolina at Greensboro.. where I earned my bachelor degree). "Yes," she replies. I gather my coat and book bag, and shoes (?) and prepare to exit, but the driver closes the door and starts rolling! Ugh! I pull the cord to request a stop. At the next stop, I exit the bus, but I left a pair of boots on board. (Why?) I call to the driver, but he closes the door and drives away. I muse that I will call the transportation authority and report the boots on the bus, and I can pick them up from the office later.

A woman in a colorful dress approaches me with open arms, with "I'm so glad to see you! Haven't seen you in forever"... etc. I smile, and we hug. I continue into the building.<this part is vague.. I must have put my books and such down somewhere because I don't have them when I next remember walking down the sidewalk straight from the front door of the building.>

I am walking on the sidewalk. When I reach the street, I realize that today is Saturday (again), and this must be UNC-G Homecoming... except, I didn't go to homecoming! So, if I am now attending the event that I am sure I missed, then there is no chance of encountering myself! Excellent! More people should do this, and just think of everything you could accomplish! (It's been a LOOOONG time since I saw Groundhog Day, so I don't think that is a factor, either..). Across the street, there is a lot of busy-ness. People are preparing for a parade (homecoming parade... if this is, indeed, homecoming). The street goes uphill (not steep), and I hear someone (on a radio?) say that +TomCruise was here this morning! He did say was, didn't he? Or is Tom still around campus? Firetrucks with their lights flashing are driving in a choreographed circle on my left. I step around the back of a white (and clean) recycling truck. I hear someone else say something about Tom Cruise being on campus today. This could be my lucky day! 
<It's weird.. the stuff I suddenly think about! I got up at 5:30 this morning to look for the comets that are supposed to be easy binocular targets every morning this week, and then went back to bed ... and dreamed all this... but I didn't brush my teeth during that wake/back to sleep... and I thought of that in my dream!>
I am thinking how great it would be to meet Tom, and I realize that I haven't brushed my teeth this morning, not even rinse with mouthwash! (how did THAT happen?) I start looking for a store. I know there are many around the campus, little shops-convenience stores-restaurants that have mints or gum... I head toward a what looks like a row of shops. I enter the first one. It's a bit dark, but I see two men sitting at the end of the bar (bar?, table-ish?). I am drinking the last of a red/orange soup from a bowl. The men are looking at a 2-gallon jug turned on its side that rests in the center of the (table/bar.. not across from each other, so if the end of the bar is square, one sits at the short end of the bar, and the other around the corner). The jug contains red/orange liquid very much like my soup. One is telling the other how Yankees (Americans north of Richmond, VA) like to eat hot spicy foods just to show how tough they are and there is no sensible reason for those people to hurt themselves like they do. I glance around for a display of gum or candy. A lady comes from the kitchen to the bar and asks if I need anything else. I ask for a glass of water as I search my pockets for money <I know I had some earlier... I find some coins in a coat pocket, and I hope it's enough!>. She opens a bottle and hands it to me. I take a drink, noticing it is citrusy and carbonated... like Perrier! <I really hope some money materializes the next time I check my pockets!>

The woman looks at me and says, "Don't I know you?" .. well, maybe, I went to school here.. "No, that's not it. Do you follow us on Twitter?" She pulls out her laptop and starts typing. I give her my Twitter name (in the dream it's different, like "Hermegumi" or something "megumi"). "Yeah! Here you are!" she says, as someone else shows me a full page ad for the restaurant in the local newspaper. I can't read it all, but there is something about "if you follow them on Twitter..." <maybe I don't need money after all?>

Pretty odd, huh?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

So now I'M driving?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I dreamt I am in an office meeting. The topic: changes to the definition of "family" and "dependents" in the insurance policy.
"A family is defined as a married couple with 'sexually born' children (meaning naturally born to the parents, not acquired by other means). This distinguishes from two partners co-habiting with children." 
Why did they even call me into this meeting? It has nothing to do with me or my job. I start dozing off. I dream that I am outside of a parsonage with a big tree near the concrete driveway. I can probably climb it. There are older adults talking on the lawn. They aren't paying attention to me. I imagine how I would step up into the center of the main branches (it's pruned open for ventilation). I walk around the tree and notice the branch nearest the driveway is more vertical and has what appears to be rocks embedded in the wood. It looks as if the rock clasts are part of the tree. This branch is rotting, and I gently break a piece of the bark for closer inspection, but the whole branch snaps loose! Now, the others take notice... I think this must be a protected species and no one is supposed to harm/touch/collect any part of it. - I wake, still in the meeting.

The meeting is adjourned (finally!), but the other women at the table notice how late it is. The meeting started around 4pm, and now it is nearly 7pm! There had been some other activities in the office that same afternoon, and we have all missed out.
As I leave the office, I am greeted by an older woman who is rearranging items in her car. She asks me how the sale went.
"A couple of the girls told me they had some good sales today!" she tells me.
Confused, I reply that those must have come late in the day while I was in a meeting.
She says something encouraging like "it will be better next time" or something...
She and I are in her car with at least two others (one of whom is my youngest sister). The lady is rummaging in a bag (purse?) and talking to us. I wonder if she is going to get this car rolling ... limo, actually. We are in a Lincoln. The car slowly starts rolling forward. She has pressed the keyless ignition, but no one is steering.
"Aren't you going to drive?" I asked, slightly alarmed.
She and the others are still involved in conversation, so I slide into the driver's seat and take the wheel.
"This is why I hate big cars!" I mumble while steering this monstrosity of a vehicle along a narrow neighborhood street. "I hate BIG CARS, and I cannot LIE!..." I start singing (yes, to the tune "Baby Got Back" from Sir Mix-A-Lot!) and my sister joins in LOL her verse makes me wonder if there is actually a song "I Like Big Cars"... when she mentions the backseat, I joke that may be the only redeeming quality for having a big car! The others in the car laugh at my joke. I drive the car up a steep grassy hill ... truly, there is a communal path going up to a house, and I have been there before (per my dream), just not in a Lincoln. The car is too heavy and can't make it past halfway. I start slowly backing down the hill.
"This is where I am going to live," I explain to the woman that owns the car.
From the road, I can take a less steep path to the right... oh, through the trees! ... made it.. but now we are blocked by the patio wall (must be new since I've been here last?)... change direction again to go through neighbor's property. The path leads to his driveway, but only to his garages (where cars are parked) and to the house. The man next door is on his balcony with his son, as I can hear them talking. I think they are making something with wood. I see unfinished wood sheets and sawdust.
"Hello, neighbor!" I call out. "We are trying to find a way back down to the road."
He looks up. He looks around as if looking for the path to help me get pointed in the right direction...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Psst! You need gum!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I stayed up past 1am last night, and went to bed without brushing my teeth. Some odd things popped up in my dreams...

I dreamt that a high school classmate (Dave C.) needed a study partner for geology. I am a teaching assistant (?) for the class, so I am not available as a partner. The instructor suggests pairing him with the student he sat with last semester, as they seemed to get along well. The student (Cameron B.) is someone I know [from a "past" life]. I do not wish to be reintroduced to him, but I pass along the name and last known whereabouts to the professor. I am working on a project (pass code: OREO - I devised with a scrabble tile?) that involves soft green psuedo-styrofoam blocks on which I have written labels with dark green ink. I am in my mother's living room arranging the blocks in a shallow box. I muse that I will have to make a new account for the new password - truly? wouldn't it be more sensible to change the password on an existing account? Why make a new one?

I am in a small custom jewelry store. The owner (woman) helps me design a piece (for me? for a gift?). I will owe her around $40. I can pay now or when I come back. I don't have my wallet with me. I know exactly where it is - I had put all my keys, etc., in my pockets yesterday as I was avoiding carrying a purse when I went out. I'll need to come back. Walking to a wall display, she says to me, "My friend chews "Dentine" (she pronounces it "dentin"). Embarrassed, I reply, "Oh! I ran out of the house this morning without taking a shower or anything! I'm so sorry!" - I didn't realize my morning breath was so toxic! Plus, I was trying not to be too close when talking with her, because I knew my breath wasn't fresh. I tell her I'll need to come back, and I leave.. with my father and his friend, Bernie.
...Dad and Bernie are each bringing a large pelt rug. Bernie is carrying a large brown soft leather skin with fur around the edge. Dad is carrying a large white shaggy rug (llama?), and it drags on the grass. A large wolf-husky type dog lays on the rug. Dad tells me, "Bernie says these are antiques, but he figures the dogs might like to lay on them." We laugh because the big dog has already claimed one! We need to walk, and I gently tug the rug from the big dog. The dog growls and gently snaps at my left hand, but I don't let go. It snaps at my hand again, still not breaking the skin. Bernie scolds the dog, and it backs away. I pick up the smaller dog (a Dachshund mix?); Dad and Bernie carry the rugs. The big dog follows me as we walk up the shaded grassy bank. The dog stops to pee in a sandy spot. The little dog jumps from my arms to join suit. Dad calls for us to catch up. The little dog runs up the hill. In the center of the bank, there is a small culvert maybe 18 inches square with sand and gravel in the bottom. There are large ants. "Watch out for these ants," I say to the dog behind me. "Um, ok, thanks," says a stranger (guy) who is also behind me. Poor guy! I was talking to the dog! I look for the little dog and see he has already crossed the road. I quicken my steps.
(There's a red brick building on the other side of the road, with a manicured lawn and trees along the street... like an older university?)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

We drove to Hawaii... in a car!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I dreamt all night. Many small dreams that may be loosely connected by ambiguous segues. The main segment of the dream was my older sister and I in a car ... in Hawaii. I said to her, "We drove all the way to Hawaii!" [I must tell you, this is not an impossibility in the dream. It was a long way to drive, but in the dream, there is a workable means of driving there.] Somewhere around Nevada, we had decided to drive straight through to Hawaii. I start thinking how I need to find a rock as a souvenir (it's what I do), and how I didn't need to ask my friends who are coming to bring one back for me, because I can get one myself (but, I didn't know that I would be here when I asked). The weather is nice and sunny with a few clouds. The dirt road we are on is well maintained. There are bungalows with yards and trees on one side and fields of tall grasses on the other. We get to town, and there is traffic. My sister is in the backseat holding a spotted dog (like a chihuahua, but maybe a terrier - male, jealous of other dogs). I am in the front passenger seat. A friend is driving. As we are stopped at a traffic light, a young woman with a similar dog to ours sees our dog and approaches the car. The windows are down, and she sticks her head in to greet the dog. My sis is alarmed. I don't mind, except I put my hand on our dog to prevent him from seeing the other dog. Our dog licks the woman's face, and, greetings over, she walks away. ... We park the car on the street. Walking away, I notice our car is a white four-door sedan or hybrid. We enter a mall and take several turns to find our destination. We pass a gentleman (Penn, from Penn & Teller?) who stops to tell me that he is going to be me (or similar, from now on?). I choose my words carefully. "Oh? Good luck with that," I tell him, trying not to sound sassy. My group continues winding through the mall. I joke we will never find our way back to the car and will have to call the police to find it again. "It has North Carolina tags, we'll say. They will tell us, 'Oh! There are three such cars on the island today. What color is your car?" I think I am funny, but no one else seems to be listening.

We are sitting in a crowded restaurant. The full table nearest us has been seated since 5:30pm. We arrived nearly the same time? We look around, and the restaurant is nearly empty. The time is 8:13pm, and I muse that people must have come in for dinner and are leaving to see a 9:00 movie. This idea seems plausible to the group. We stay and talk.

University. I am going to be barely late to my first day of class. I am using Google Maps or similar to find my way. I read street signs and look for the ZE Building. I meet a few professors in the lobby of the ZE building where my class is supposed to be. I am told that the Intro to French language class has been canceled, but Art Appreciation 101 is taught in its place. [I have mixed feelings about this, because I feel I could have placed higher in French, but I do enjoy the language.] The art professor takes me to the course listings that are posted on a large yellow chalkboard. I notice on the schedule that the University used to (still does?) teach the language "Topaz" and had several intro and intermediate class sections listed. The listing is faded, and could be no longer current.

On a movie set that includes a model of the space shuttle or space station. I am outside the ship, and I am wearing a space suit and helmet. I am learning to reach and grasp hand and foot holds on the exterior panels. As I climb over the end of the ship, a woman emerges from the hatch without a helmet. I say to her, "You need your helmet." She ignores me. I step away from the set, and as I remove my helmet and gloves, I hear another crew member tell her she needs to have her helmet on every time she goes outside the ship. She tells him that she will not wear it. I mention to the stagehand helping me that the critics will be all over [the movie] for such a blatant error. The woman without a helmet approaches me, but I look away from her and notice the sky outside the studio. There is a vortex gathering in the clouds. What is strange is that there is a curtain of clear water below the vortex, and the water begins to descend. I am talking to someone on my cellphone. I tell them, "We've got a waterspout. I've gotta go," and I hung up. I give a warning and start walking toward the inner room. The set is staged inside a glass walled studio. The library in the next room has fewer windows. The woman suggests that it's not local, but a regional cyclone centered over the area. When the funnel starts descending, she changes her mind. Others are following me. I walk back to the studio. The sky looks normal, but I see people sitting all along the low windowsill. They are sitting with their backs to the window, and heads down. I tell them to get away from the windows. They start for the library. I go back to the library to find people (young men) sitting in the window sills with the heavy drapes pulled over them (as if they are hiding behind the curtains). I tell them that if the window breaks, the shards will cut their heads and necks. One replies that he will be okay because he has his coat (a flannel hunting coat) and hat. He pulls his collar up to show that his neck is protected. The other young man moved away from the window.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ron... We're on Mars!

Friday, 06 September 2013:

I am on Mars. I see black velvet sky with more stars than I have ever seen. I can't make out constellations. The world around me is illuminated by the starlight. I can see the red and blue hues that have become familiar to me from the images returned from the Mars Rovers. I am a little overwhelmed, excited, bewildered, but I maintain my composure. There is a low outcropping ahead with a few exploration tools (I see a rock hammer). I am accompanied by a man, a fellow astronaut, Ron. It is night, and we sleep under the stars. (No, no romance here! It's all business.)
"Ron," I say, "We're on Mars!"
No answer.

When I awake, it is still dark. In the distance to my left, I see the peaks of two shield volcanoes which appear to have been dormant for a very long time. The image is in grayscale, and there is shadow between me and the peaks. The mountains appear to be floating in the inky sky.
"Ron," I say, "We're on Mars!"
No answer.
"It took me a day to get my mind together, but I am ready to get to work. I guess we should start collecting rocks."
I look around. I notice that we are not wearing bulky suits nor helmets. We are breathing the air normally. My mind starts racing with thoughts, How can this be? Where is the oxygen coming from? In front of me, just beyond the rock outcropping with the hammer, I can see daylight and trees through what appears to be a doorway.
"Actually," Ron replies, "before we do this," he indicated the rocks with the hammer, "we need to cut down these bamboo." He walked outside and down the cement steps. "These aren't actually bamboo, but the leaves will harden into shards and fall making it difficult to ..." [accomplish some manual labor task in the wooded grove, I wasn't listening... there are TREES?]
"Yucca," I say. They aren't yucca, but it's the first thing I thought of. The trees are short, only about twelve feet (4 meters) tall, with rough black bark. They taper toward the top with sparse green palms... PALMS! I just figured that out! There are three, maybe four, of these palms growing just inside a wooded grove of trees.
"Do they cut easy?" I ask.
"Not really. There's a machete," Ron gestures toward a small machete in the grass near a.. magnolia?

So, after waking,  I'm thinking... if this is Mars, we aren't the first ones here. If it isn't Mars, this is reminiscent of the alleged Moon Landing Hoax* that supposedly took place all on a Hollywood set... This is very Hollywood set...

*Please do not misinterpret that... I am a HUGE supporter of NASA and space exploration, and I firmly accept and believe that Apollo 11 astronauts, and later others, have landed on the moon, and that we have successfully landed unmanned craft on Venus, Mars, and Titan.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Witnessed CME... Apocalypse WOW

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today is a day I can sleep later, but the cat insisted I refresh her food and water at 8am. After taking care of her, I went back to bed.. and had this dream (oh, I must tell you: I have placed a quartz crystal sphere and a few quartz crystal points under my pillow. This has led to some pretty wild (but not nightmarish) dreams!)

I dreamed I was driving east on the interstate with my 6yr old niece because she said she misses watching the sunrise ("we haven't done that in a long time!").. We see bands of pink and gray clouds and can barely see disk of sun. We have my Canon Powershot A720IS camera to take pictures of the sunrise. I am on my cell phone talking to my sister (the niece's mother).

"Can you see the sun?" my sister asks.
"Not really, but the camera sees it," I reply.
The clouds start to thin and I can see the sundisk more often. Just then, the clouds make a hole, and I see a CME from the upper right quadrant of the sundisk, and shock ring around the sun moving quickly outward.  I think to myself, that can't be good!.. I am not alarmed nor scared/terrified, etc in the dream. It's just "Oh, this happened, so now I must do this." My niece is also not alarmed. I assess the situation and look for safety.

 The cars ahead of us on the interstate are on fire in eastbound and westbound lanes (we were driving toward the sunrise (even though the sun was probably 30*-40* high). Whatever is causing the fire (the shockwave?) is moving toward us, engulfing cars on the way. I get us to safety (and then the dream gets weird) playing with Lego blocks in the basement. The floor has carpet. My niece needs a bathroom but doesn't want to use the one here. I offer her a plastic mixing bowl with a cup of cat litter in it (for easy cleanup), but she refuses. She refuses all other offers of jars/cans/etc. from others who are with us. Her mother finds us and they leave together.

I go look at the bathroom. There are urine puddles on the floor at the base of the toilet and beside the bathtub. Someone has also relieved himself (assuming here) IN the bathtub. Ugh! I think to myself, why do (males) lose their sense of (decency?civility? .. whatever it is that helps them urinate in the toilet and not everywhere else) in times of crisis? I open the toilet. It has been used. Should I flush it? ... hmm.. might not be able to flush it again later.. so I just close it.

There are at least two men here: one older than 60, the other younger than 40. I do not know the names of either of them. We are all just going about our business, and not much talking. I wonder if I should ask their names (especially the younger one). Should I tell him my name? My real name or a fake one? Oh, we may be on the "trust no one" code here... maybe names are best left unspoken? I say nothing.

I start stress cleaning (because cleaning house is what I do when I am stressed). I start in the corner of a bedroom - dusting the pictures/mirror frames in a bedroom and reaching to the wall to dust away cobwebs if there are any in the corners. The house is not really dirty, this is just my way of coping... It's getting late, tomorrow will be a long day as we all look to secure food/housing for the long term. I look for a place to sleep.
A small woman dressed like a princess (like Dora the Explorer as a princess, only not Dora) suddenly has a trailer with a bed.. at first I thought it was a pop-up tent then I realized she has more room and it is like an RV-trailer (sort of). Very comfortable space for her. She doesn't talk to anyone and just goes about her business. Another woman has a small cot to sleep on.
 I see two dolls lying on the floor, and I pick them up and carry them. A woman tells me that these dolls don't get along, and she is not looking forward to another dispute of theirs. (huh?) I tell her I was just picking them up off the floor and going to put them somewhere for the night. She tells me that she would have just left them there. I walk away shaking my head in disbelief.

for astronomers, the CME erupted in the upper right quadrant and was visible past the right limb... light travels from sun to Earth in approx 8 min? the effect on the surface was nearly simultaneous with the sight of the CME

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I dreamt I cut my hair... well, trimmed, actually. I was standing in front of the mirror at my mother's house, using a wide-toothed comb to straighten my bangs (which were still not right after cutting). I had trimmed only a few inches from the length of my hair, which didn't change the style.

This dream comes only a few days after I dreamed I went to a salon while on vacation and had a cut & color. My mother exclaimed (not in a happy way), "Did you get your hair cut?!" Again, no change in style or color, I simply had my hair professionally done. I remember thinking it was a splurge, but not feeling too guilty for the expense.

Monday, July 8, 2013

nice sit down chat time

Last night (today is Monday), I dreamt I was sitting across from Tom Cruise and looking at pictures of him and his family. There was a picture of him with a short haircut taken during the filming of "Minority Report." He pointed to that picture and told me about Suri (his daughter) having a "soft spot" on her head like he has where the hair is softer than the hair around it. He continues, telling me about a ring from his grandmother that is actually embedded under the scalp, and how it looks black, but really it is not. (and this story is not strange or weird to me. Maybe more interestingly, he is not telling me anything I do not know (about the ring, because I have heard from other sources/media/etc) but I smile and listen). He smiles and we are enjoying a nice talk. I tell him, "You are the most amazing book I've ever read" (or something similar that he is interesting and amazing and I am enjoying the conversation, but I relate it to reading a book... It was better when my dreamself said it...)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Having a baby ....

Sunday May 26/Monday May 27 - 2013

Strangest dream I can remember ... My 6-year old niece is having a baby...She is upstairs in my house, and is attended by a doctor (?) her mother, and others. She is sitting on the floor, on her knees, legs apart, and keeping herself distracted with books and toys. When pain hits, she cries out, but not like a woman in labor really would... I remember taking candies I made to her. They were chocolate coated pretzels with multicolored sprinkles (the little colored balls like you would sprinkle on cookies, non-pareilles (?)). My dad approaches my sister and me at the bottom of the stairs. I notice he has in his hand a store-bought candy similar to what I had made. He asks if there is any of my candy left. I tell him I took it to (my niece). My sister and I start up the stairs, and I see a large decorative bird nest above the staircase. There are decorated Easter eggs and candy in the basket. My father is satisfied with the candy there and doesn't climb the stairs.

When I look for the bowl of candy upstairs, there is only some other kind left in the bowl. All the candy I made is gone. I sit beside my niece and wonder why parents/doctors allowed her to carry a baby? I wonder that it cannot possibly be healthy/normal and will not survive? No one is aghast at the situation. It is as normal as if she simply had a tummy ache.

OK, so here is what I know about symbology of babies/pregnancy:
1. Birth of a new (business/life) idea.
2. New addition to current situation.
3. Something planned is finally manifesting.

The symbology of my child niece is confusing, but it could signify that a new idea or expected solution will come from a very surprising and unlikely source. 

Dog reappears in dreams...

Saturday May 25/Sunday May 26 - 2013

I remember dreaming about a dog (that's the third time in a week I have seen the same dog in my dreams! It may even be the same dog that I dreamed was in the kitchen and I asked my brother (in the dream) if he also saw the dog because I thought I might be hallucinating! - the dog looks very similar to my dog "Phoebe" who passed in October.... I know it is not her because Phoebe had white 'socks' with small light brown spots (probably from English Springer/Brittany Spaniel in her genes) and the dog in my dream does not have 'socks.' Oddly, in my dream, the dog was curled up on the backseat of my car... later, it was playing with my niece, who was running and screaming because she "is afraid of it" (I doubt it). My sister was yelling at the dog to leave and 'go home,' but as it came near me, I realized that I am the only one who is friendly to the dog. I wonder why?...

So now, a dog in a dream indicates a loyal friend. Extrapolating this interpretation... this (friend) is loyal to me and me to (him/her), but my family is not friendly toward it...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Another SpaceX dream - and my crush!

Dream Sunday May 19 2013:

I was lying in bed in the upstairs bedroom.  I was listening to a voicemail my youngest sister had left on my cell phone, when I looked out the window to see a white capsule flying at a low altitude  - reminds me of a Tylenol (R) caplet- with short triangular wings* and "SpaceX" written in blue letters along the front half of the capsule. The ship flies into a building to the west of my house. The building is a multistory structure with an industrial-style exterior covering (like storage buildings) and at least 50m distant. The ship flies through the exterior several stories above ground, leaving a rectangular hole ripped in the side of the building. There is no sound and no smoke. I get out of bed and reach for my jeans. I am wondering whether to call emergency or if this has already been done. When I look out the window again, the building has been moved closer to my house (approximately 4m away now!). My mother comes upstairs as I am taking pictures of the destruction with my iPhone. Interestingly, there is no smoke, and no one seems particularly alarmed. More of the siding is ripped away, and I can see people sitting at a table.. I think they are playing cards?

My father calls everyone to dinner. I go downstairs to the dining room where I meet my youngest sister's husband. We briefly discuss the lack of sirens and such, and conclude that the government wants to keep the incident as quiet as possible.  As I walk to my place at the table, my long-time crush (remember him?) was seated beside my place! The place to his left is where "Granny" sits (my great-grandmother?), and my place, to his right, is at the end of this side of the long table.
"Oh!" I said gleefully, "Are you sitting beside me today?" (I remember twice recently he did not... dreamtime, not realtime).
"If that is all right with you?"
"Of course!"
I was standing behind him, and kissed his hair and tousled it with my fingers. His hair is lighter brown and mingled with gray now, but he is still a cutie! When I was seated, he continued, "I want to tell you something about what happens when a human soul is born for the second time. I used to read all your posts, and... " ....something about the risk of demons on second incarnation.. I wasn't listening, I was stuck on "I read your posts.." and wondering when and why he stopped reading.

*A short fat capsule with short triangular wings may be flying using the physics of a bumble bee?
I wish I could draw these ships I dream about... I will give it my best .. this is the second +SpaceX ship I have seen in a dream. The first was much larger and had advanced technology.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This one is a doozy!

So, ten years ago, I worked with this great guy.. yes, okay, I will admit it... I had a huge crush on him (aren't I getting too old for that stuff?) .. anyway, he left the company around the end of April 2003... I was heartbroken! Knowing I would get a to work alongside him for any part of a shift was enough reason to come in to work... and then he was gone. Life sucked!

I have had a few weird dreams in the past where he appears, usually without speaking to me, and me too nervous to talk to him (whaaaa???) More recently (in the past two years), I have had dreams where we actually had a short conversation. (and one with a disembodied voice whispering our names and "Get out!"... did I tell you that one?)
I dreamed that I was working again at that same company. A lot of things have changed there (according to my dream). One of the supervisors said to me, "Someone you are looking for just went down the [??] stairs!"
"I'm actually looking for two people," I replied, "and where is that?"
"The white stairs there," he pointed.
I kept working. In a short while, "the one I've been looking for" came up to me. I looked at him a moment (mostly gazing into his big blue eyes), and them we embraced.
"You are taller than I remembered!" I told him.
I showed him things around work that had changed since he left. We talked about college (I was applying when he left, I have since graduated and then some!). He tells me he is not married.
"What made you decide to look for me after all these years?" I asked as we sat in a well-lit breakroom (was the furniture white? - the room itself was not).
"Well, you were kind of 'mouthy' [sassy] by the end, and I realized you were excited. [I figured you would be fun]*."
*something like that... I can't recall verbatim but "fun" was definitely a word!
= (

I dreamt some other stuff last night, too... I showed up as an impromtu volunteer at a children's fair and was partnered with a young girl (5 yrs old?) who had a definite liking for face painting - especially some turquoise colored powder! I hoped to persuade her to stickers, but found none before she found the powder. .... talking with women about people at the company mentioned in main dream (part of same dream? - we were outside, and I can't say if it was before or after the dream told above?)

Just a note - if the handsome blue-eyed man did find me, I would certainly entertain the idea....

some of these people are ME?

OOPS! I thought I might add to this one ... but not, so then I forgot to post it! 

I know I haven't been posting dreams as they happen... maybe I need to leave the computer up and running so when I wake up I can type it in ... usually, though, I remember strong bits and then I start remembering how those bits go together. That's what draft mode is for... ooooohhhh!

Earlier this week (March 23-29, 2013), I remember dreaming I was in a small bathroom. Two (African/American) girls were talking while a third (A/A) was examining the walls. The two went out and closed the door. They took a handmade potpourri hanger and shoved it through the cat-door that was cut into the bottom of the door. The third girl didn't notice. The hanger was made of a lace-covered embroidery hoop with a piece of light blue ribbon. The potpourri filled the hoop. The girl was looking for a place to hang it, and decided it would be okay on the nail outside the door. I got her attention and gestured toward the door and the hanger that lay on the floor. She frowned, wondering why the girls would do that. Then, she decided that was not the best place after all and continued tugging at loose wallpaper to find a better spot to hang it. I also pulled off some wallpaper, revealing a textured ivory colored paper underneath. I was about to use the wallpaper as TP, when I realized that there was TP on my right, but it had been unrolled and piled under the roller. I wasn't worried if it was clean - I was sure it was - and I talked aloud to the room, mostly to the young man on my left, justifying why I nearly used wallpaper instead. I looked around - besides myself and the girl with the potpourri hanger, there was a young white man on my left, and another young white woman and a child (male? female?-I think, Latino? white?) - is this a family restroom? The young woman nearest the child agreed that times have changed and the ideas of privacy have changed. I am trying to be as discrete as possible with my business.....

<yeah, that was weird...and why is it important that I remmebered the ethnicities of the others? Is that a clue to something? >

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, July 13, 2012 - I awoke at 04:35am from this dream:

"...I can't believe that tomorrow all this will be gone! Shoot, in five more minutes all this will be gone!" I tell my sister as I snatch my hooded wool coat from the closet along with the purple Blarney wool scarf she brought me from Ireland.
"Your Bible?" she asks.
"Did you want my other Bible?" I reply. Apparently, I have the Bible I use most often already in safety. The Bible in the closet is an extra that I rarely use.
"No, it's okay. I didn't know if you saw it."

Moments before, she and I were stacking personal items (books, dishes, trinkets, clothes...) in the middle of the room with some other women. At least one of the women was foreign (ethnicity?). That woman was lamenting how she was going to miss everything. I picked up a souvenir spoon that was still in its plastic case and white shop bag. A receipt stuck out of the case. I held it up for someone to claim. "Not mine!" they all replied. I looked at the receipt and realized it was mine - from France. I put the spoon and bag with receipt in my shirt pocket and kept working, wondering if I was petty (?) for keeping the souvenir.

As we finished stacking everything... in a pile about four feet (1.5 metres) high and nearly as long as the large industrial room we are in... I said (to someone), "Do you want to help me gather up what's left and put it in bags?" There were clothes and/or fabric on the floor beyond the pile and some cloth bags we could use to stuff them in. I suddenly realized there were things left in the closet in front of me that I did not want to abandon (my coat, for one!). I went to the closet to recover them.

"I'm sorry! I just can't leave this!... I can't believe that tomorrow all this will be gone! Shoot, in five more minutes all this will be gone!" (gone = destroyed by fire)

My feelings are that I can take away anything I can carry. No other worries of where I'm going, staying, eating, etc. All basic needs are apparently met, but this place is about to be ablaze (by what cause???)

too many dreams

Friday, February 15, 2013

Oops! I forgot to log my dreams! I dreamt all night last night while I was seriously sleeping in a deep sleep (my body was healing from a strenuous hike two days ago.. at least I AM recovered!)

I remember ...(these all run together like a very long dream. I do not recall waking between nor any breaks between. Underlines mean I was thinking this in the dream.)

>>There is a pillow .. round, small floral design .. it jumps off an armchair to prove it is interesting like (that other pillow that is squarish and shades of blue patchwork. Soon it has changed into a nearly identical pillow in shades of hot pink, but climbs back into the chair and converts to a yellow/gold rectangle with a wide burgundy stripe (Arizona State Univ. colors). It seems a bit sad? ...I am watching a movie with a man and woman in bed in the morning. He turns to her and says, "I wish I could just stay here forever!" She is probably a witch/sorceress, and replies that he will stay for the rest of his life. (dun-dun-DUNH!) Neil Patrick Harris (actor, Doogie Howser MD, How I Met Your Mother) is lying on the seat of an antique car with the blue patchwork pillow under his head. A friend replaces it with a down-filled pillow and comments that the woman wants him to be comfortable. He at first accepts and connects the seatbelts around his legs and torso (so as not to roll into the floorboard if the vehicle were to stop suddenly) and tells the friend to drive while he rests. Then NPH gets out with the pillow saying he "doesn't want to be comfy" and he wasn't unhappy and doesn't want things to change (oops! I think I just figured that part out! funny how writing stuff down makes you hear it out loud.. and then "whoops! there it is!")
I am at the mall with my mother and older sister. My sister has parked her SUV far from the building (probably at my suggestion to park in "boat parking"). A black entertainer (that I should know, but, sorry... I can tell you who it WASN'T!) ... at a mall and convention area. He was joking about the 'Cosmo girls' at the reception desk clinging to their coffee cups complaining they were cold. I smiled and sassed "Did you tell them to come to your show and dance around?" (I hope he's a musician?).. I am holding a puppy. It is short haired and floppy eared, maybe a Dachshund, but more like a Basset Hound. I might be working a kiosk? A woman approaches with two friends. She greets me first (oh! bad customer service!). I respond and she insists that I not stand up (because I am holding the puppy and she isn't really shopping with me, she's killing time). She complains about shopping with others. I laugh that I can totally relate! I tell her that I hate shopping with my mom and older sister because I never get to look at anything and spend all my time trying to catch up to them. But, my younger sister and I are great because even though we separate early, we will run into each other about every three minutes. We are just in sync like that! .. The lady seems impressed that there are suitable shopping partners...

I am walking back to the SUV. It's dark now. I can barely make out the vehicles. I am looking for the bumper stickers on my sister's SUV. Is that it? no? Mom and sis are following me. We get into the vehicle. ... My sis and I are driving towards downtown (must have dropped Mom off at her house? We are at the stoplight just past her neighborhood). The light is green, but there are still cars moving along the cross street through the intersection. A green motorbike pulls around us. The man is carrying a wrought iron parkbench on the motorbike. He scoots across the intersection. I notice that while our direction has a working traffic light, the cross street's light is out. Once traffic clears and our street goes, it could be a long time before the others can go again. A white Cadillac on our left turns left and clips the motorbike. I get out and run across to see if he is hurt. The bike has a flat tire, but he's not too upset about it. I suggest to my sister that since she is going right by the city park, she could give him a lift. She makes an excuse, and the man didn't seem to want a lift anyway, so no harm-no foul? My sister gestures toward a coffee shop on the corner away from downtown. It sports a Motown mural pink, orange and brown, and the name "Desperate"(?). She says Mom told her I have been to that coffee shop. "No," I tell her. "I go to that one," I point toward downtown (Roasters, the one across from the courthouse).<<

OK, maybe that is all I can remember? I was awakened at noon by a surprise visit from my niece. I had no idea I had slept that long, especially without waking intermittently!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I need paper...

I should really keep a journal next to the bed like I used to! ... here's a few cold clips I can remember as I ready for sleep again...

(1) last night (Friday, January 25-Saturday Jan 26, 2013):
In response to an actual Tweet I sent to +Tom Cruise (even though I am 1:57.6K (followers on Twitter), you follow me and that makes me smile!) .. Tom replied to me (you may be 1 of 57.6K, but you are 2 in 3.3M (fans on FB)*...* -Tom)
I think I woke up too fast from that one, or I would have remembered more of the message (the *...*)! I did grab my phone to see if it was true... not yet. But, it is true that I follow Tom on Facebook from two personal profiles.. and My Little Crochet Shop! Tom is awesome!)

(2) a few nights ago, but less than 7 nights:
I was crossing a rock-strewn creek with a man (let's use the word "guy" meaning between the ages of 25 and 50, but physically fit and attractive for 50). We are collecting treasure from an island in the middle of the creek (ok,creek might be too small, but my vision of a river is too big). There is a table set for a large dinner party, and I walk around the end counterclockwise. Now, the guy and I are running in the woods. We have rifles? There is danger. We look for safe places to hide according to the danger (which can change). We duck behind a wooden shed in the woods to hide from a dinosaur (imagine T-Rex) headed our way. I ask him, "Is this really where you would want to hide from that?" No, so we split up and look for depressions in the ground like ditches or holes where trees have overturned. I am thinking about other dangers like fires and floods that might change my mind about where to hide.

(3) I did dream about Mr. Cruise on at least one occasion this week.. several nights ago. I remember being in a room with a fireplace and Tom and I were lying on a mattress on the floor. Voluminous ivory linen sheets. It is morning, but not early morning. People are stirring about in the house. The door to the room is open. I remember being anxious about that, but seeing a woman pass by in the hallway (was that Nicole Kidman?) and not even giving us a glance, I relaxed (Well, okay then!)... sorry, no details for you here... 
THEN .. Tom and some other actors are in a bar scene where one guy hands Tom a half filled glass of beer and Tom is supposed to chug it. I am somehow assisting the production. The director hopes to do this scene in one take. Of course, it doesn't. After the second take, Tom switches to water and editing will make it look right. After two takes with water, Tom says he can't drink this water... the take is in my hometown, and the tap water is not bad, but not great. I go to the (MY!) refrigerator and pull out the Brita pitcher of filtered water and say, "Oh, here, Sweetie! I've been holding out on you!" Tom takes the pitcher, looks at it, and turns shaking his head.
Somewhere in the middle up there where Tom is switching from beer to water, there is a short actor (under 5 ft tall, maybe under 4ft?) who has taken some liberties with his costume and added my green tablecloth and a purple scarf as layered shawls. The director just allows whatever, because this actor is a bit of a dramaqueen (the bad kind) and everyone just goes along with whatever. Now, these items were ACTUALLY in my dining room at the time... so if my walls were red brick instead of yellow drywall, it could have been my house?

Odd, huh?